The Garbage Time that is NFL Overtime
The NFL overtime drives me crazy. I have a bit of an issue, where almost anything on TV can capture my attention if I’m not actively trying to ignore it. But it seems that the rest of the world gets the same way when an NFL game goes into overtime. And it’s ruined, because as soon as that coin hits the turf, we know who’s going to win. Take the Titan’s week 6 matchup with the Houston Texans as an example . The Titan’s won the toss, and then immediately marched down the field (read: carried by Henry), to score a Derrick Henry touchdown to win. The rules need a change. The way that the overtime rules work, only one team ever gets a chance to play, which only hurts the game by not letting stars, who could have a chance to win, not have the ball. Here’s my proposal.
If a game goes to OT, this is how it should be played.
Coin flip for possession, as normal
First team drives, attempts to score by any means
If they score, they kickoff to the other team, who has one drive to try and match or outscore the first team
If they match the score, tying the game, the game goes into sudden death, meaning that the next score wins.
If they outscore the first team, they win.